Your ideal commercial client and how you got the job

I want to get a few more regular commercial clients. I have a couple who are in a ‘business park’ type area. I like it cause interfacing with the customer is minimal, and it doesn’t seem too difficult to command a decent hourly rate, the cleans are recurring, etc.

I’m thinking perhaps an office building (internal), dentist practice or something like that (all low rise).

Any idea who this ‘ideal client’ might be and how best to approach them for a sales meeting? Interested to hear first hand experience.

Optimize your website for Commercial/storefront customers. Get Certified by Glass Renu and set yourself apart to each of these customers. This is how I stand out to these types of customers and have landed recurring accounts by making it not about window cleaning, but about scratch removal. Include steep discounts on the scratch removal and instead of the customer having to pay $10,000.00 to replace that window, As part of the contract for window cleaning, add the scratch removal at a $150- 250 price range. This will make you stand out and make your services indispensable as compared to a Joe bucket who Just got insurance and is “Just a window cleaner”.

Check out the video below. It is how I landed many of these customers.

Thats does sound like a good idea and will look into it - thanks for contributing!

My favorite customers, the cinemas, I love the atmosphere, and the chocolate shops, I love the smells that come out there.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Cinema Orléans
cinema on the banks of the Loire

olfactory experience in this immense chocolate manufacturing factory